TP 733H
- ARES TP-733-SH strapping head
- Index strapping head
- Strap guide arm
- Safety rack
- Friction weld sealing technology
- Siemens PLC and HMI
- Free access to strap guides
- Swivel dispenser set
- Adjustable sealing and cooling time
- Strap end ejector
- Preprogram setting
- Easy to retrofit
- Options
- Floating Head
- Free standing operation desk
- Light tower with low strap sensor
- Dual channel E-Stop
- Lower tension range (200 - 1200 N)
- HMI and PLC mounted on the opposite side
- Auto strap program selecting (BCD input)
- No safety rack
- 200 mm / 280 mm strap dispenser
- Uplifted support